Kolejna wersja zmian w Iglicy
"Po udostępnieniu najnowszej wersji zmian w Iglicy TUTAJ zebraliśmy więcej opinii i wprowadziliśmy dalsze zmiany aby rozwiązać dwie najczęściej komentowane kwestie - Zaklęcia Teleportacji i Przyspieszacze"
W skrócie w porównaniu do poprzedniej wersji zmian zostanie dodane więcej Zaklęć Teleportacji i Przyspieszaczy.
Są również plany wprowadzenia w przyszłości Przyspieszaczy w innych miejscach w grze, takich jak Eventy i Sezony.
Oryginalny tekst w spoilerze
"Po udostępnieniu najnowszej wersji zmian w Iglicy TUTAJ zebraliśmy więcej opinii i wprowadziliśmy dalsze zmiany aby rozwiązać dwie najczęściej komentowane kwestie - Zaklęcia Teleportacji i Przyspieszacze"
W skrócie w porównaniu do poprzedniej wersji zmian zostanie dodane więcej Zaklęć Teleportacji i Przyspieszaczy.
Są również plany wprowadzenia w przyszłości Przyspieszaczy w innych miejscach w grze, takich jak Eventy i Sezony.
Oryginalny tekst w spoilerze
After sharing our latest revision of the upcoming Spire rewards, we collected more of your valuable feedback, and made further improvements to address two of the most frequent points you commented on:
Teleport Building Spells (TBS) would be only accessible to players in Fellowships finishing the Spire of Eternity in the Bronze, Silver, or Gold Leagues.
Time Reduction Instants’ reduction being too harsh, given how important and useful they are for various mechanics across the game, especially for fighters.
With the latest iteration of the rewards, we will:
* add Teleport Building Spells as Medium Rewards (Medium 1, Medium 2, Medium 3) with a chance of 15%. We’ll also offer them as Fellowship Rewards for the three stage Milestones, as you’ve known them so far (110 Spirit Essence, 520 Spirit Essence & 1330 Spirit Essence collected). This brings the average* of available TBS up 45% to 4,35 when compared to the previous rewards iteration (3 TBS).
* increase the amounts of Time Reduction Instants available for our Small (Small 1, Small 2, Small 3) and Medium (Medium 1, Medium 2, Medium3) rewards. For the Medium rewards we will keep Time Reduction Instants as a selectable reward within Tomes. The average* will now increase 8,6%, from 157,9 to 171,55 hours.
We also plan to introduce more Time Reduction Instants as rewards elsewhere in the game in the future, such as Events and Seasons.
Weekly avg. of 3 completed stages
We’re certain these changes are a step in the right direction, and we want to thank our community for the great feedback and interest shown in shaping a better reward structure for our beloved Spire of Eternity. We will continue gathering feedback on Beta once these rewards are implemented, so please keep letting us know what you think when you get the chance to play around with them!
Teleport Building Spells (TBS) would be only accessible to players in Fellowships finishing the Spire of Eternity in the Bronze, Silver, or Gold Leagues.
Time Reduction Instants’ reduction being too harsh, given how important and useful they are for various mechanics across the game, especially for fighters.
With the latest iteration of the rewards, we will:
* add Teleport Building Spells as Medium Rewards (Medium 1, Medium 2, Medium 3) with a chance of 15%. We’ll also offer them as Fellowship Rewards for the three stage Milestones, as you’ve known them so far (110 Spirit Essence, 520 Spirit Essence & 1330 Spirit Essence collected). This brings the average* of available TBS up 45% to 4,35 when compared to the previous rewards iteration (3 TBS).
* increase the amounts of Time Reduction Instants available for our Small (Small 1, Small 2, Small 3) and Medium (Medium 1, Medium 2, Medium3) rewards. For the Medium rewards we will keep Time Reduction Instants as a selectable reward within Tomes. The average* will now increase 8,6%, from 157,9 to 171,55 hours.
We also plan to introduce more Time Reduction Instants as rewards elsewhere in the game in the future, such as Events and Seasons.
Weekly avg. of 3 completed stages
We’re certain these changes are a step in the right direction, and we want to thank our community for the great feedback and interest shown in shaping a better reward structure for our beloved Spire of Eternity. We will continue gathering feedback on Beta once these rewards are implemented, so please keep letting us know what you think when you get the chance to play around with them!
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